Doug Young wrote:
> Those who have been pondering my Lynx problems might care to comment on
> this message I received from a guy who answered a post elsewhere. If he
> is correct, it appears that I may have been trying to do something that
> even experts would find difficult.
No.  You are not.  Lynx runs right out of the box for 99% of the guys
out there, I daresay.

Let me have a stab at this.  Forget about PPP, the web, HTML, and
everything else, and just try this:

lynx file:///etc/inittab

This ought to be about a four-page listing.


lynx file:///etc/debian_version

Should simply show you the version of your Debian system.  Mine shows

This ought to work on just about every system out there.

If these don't work, let us know.  You have a seriously screwed up
version of lynx.

If they do work, your network is incorrectly configured.  Concentrate on
that and forget about lynx for a while.

Get it to where you can successfully 'ping'.  This is the
IP address of  Then you'll know IP through your provider
is working.  To accomplish this, pppconfig is your friend.  Then pon and

Then, try 'nslookup'.  Then you'll know DNS is working.

Then, try 'lynx'.  That should damn well work.

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