Dis you get it to work o a potato box just curious

"C. R. Oldham" wrote:

> Craig Hancock wrote:
> > Has anyone ever used  Netscape Directory Server I am trying to install
> > it but everytime I try I get this error setup.inf file not found it is a
> > binary that I am running I am not sure what kernel it was complied with
> > nor if it was complied with the new glibc but if anyone has expiernced
> > anythingsimilar please let me know
> I could not get it to work on a Slink box.
> --
> | Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham     | NCA Commission on Schools        |
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> | "I like it!"--Citizen G'Kar   | #include <disclaimer.h>       X_>|
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