1) you must have APM (advanced power management) support in kernel.
2) on the fly ; before poweroff / halt -p there must be the deamon apm
working. To test just write 
                # ps aux |grep apm
if these are ok .
it will poweroff

Halis Osman ERKAN

On Thu, 22 Jul 1999 egm2@jps.net wrote:

> On 22 Jul, Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
>   |  Hi,
>   |  
>   |  I have :
>   |   Kernel2.2.10-1 + potato + ATX_box
>   |      All packages are the last.
>   |  
>   |  When i do a :
>   |      shutdown -h now
>   |  or
>   |      halt
>   |  my system is rebooted, but not power off.
>   |  
>   |  Wheras I set this option in the kernel.
>   |  
>   |  do someone have the same probleme are the solution ?
>   |  
>   |  Thanks.
>   |  
>   |  
> Does it actually reboot completely, or does it just go into the halted
> state, but not poweroff.  The latter can be taken care of by
> recompiling the kernel with APM support.
> -- 
> Eric G. Miller
> Powered by the POTATO (http://www.debian.org)!
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