I miss the debian bird image.


On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 02:58:44PM +0200, andreas pålsson wrote:
> Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
> >
> > > I'm with you also.  The chick connected us with Linux but the new logo
> > > doesnt do anything for me at all.
> > >
> > > John C. Ellingboe
> >
> > don't you never see a Genius going out from it's lantern ?
> > like Aladin's story
> >
> It's a nice idea, but it's too hard to get a grip on when only the swirl
> is visible.
> I am sure that people who who never seen the logo before will at some
> point ask what it supposed to look like.
> I've seen the swirl and the bottle together and my first reaction was "a
> bottle with smoke" or "a bottle with something hot in it"..
> On the other hand maybe it's just me who is less intelligent than the
> rest of the world and doesn't get it :)
> I'm not complaining on the author or his artwork, in a artistic level
> I'm sure it's a fine piece of art. But for the normal guy/girl it's too
> hard to relate to something than a bottle with a puff of smoke.
> Just my opinion.
> ./Andreas
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