Hi all,
        I have a /mnt partition in /dev/hda1 in the beggining of my disk (so I
cant delete it and make 2, or not?) and a / partition full. My df -h shows the
        /dev/hda3             1.9G  1.7G   59M  97% /
        /dev/hda4             926M  785M   94M  89% /usr/local
        /dev/hda1             994M  464M  479M  49% /mnt
        My du -s /usr/* shows the following:

190778  X11R6
142719  bin
1       dict
263967  doc
1       etc
15448   games
40      i486-linuxlibc1
20063   include
12933   info
505708  lib
803484  local
14274   man
0       openwin
8951    sbin
249828  share
71261   src

        Which partition is the best to put in a fresh mnt partition? I can
the data that is /mnt away.
        Thanks,         Paulo Henrique

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