>>>>> "egm2" == egm2  <egm2@jps.net> writes:

    egm2> Okay GPL experts.  The once free alpha versions of IglooFTP,
    egm2> copyright by Jean-Marc Jacquet and released under GPL is now
    egm2> in beta and being released *only* as a commercial product
    egm2> for $$.  Now, does this violate the GPL under the derived
    egm2> works clause?  And is it enforceable since the person in
    egm2> question is a French citizen.

IANAL, but: if you own the copyright, you can do whatever you want
with it, including relicense it under different terms. If Jean-Marc
Jacquet owns the copyright on the whole thing, then he can license it
however he sees fit.

If he accepted contributions to which he does not own the copyright,
and they were licensed to him under the GPL, then he can't do this: it
would violate the license of the contributed software.

Also, being released "*only* as a commercial product" does not, by
itself, mean that it is not licensed under the GPL. (Although it
probably isn't.) Charging money for the license isn't incompatible
with the GPL - restricting redistribution is.
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

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