Hi all, please see this excerpt from the man page for /etc/limits:

LIMITS(5)                                               LIMITS(5)

       limits - Resource limits definition

       The  limits  file  (/etc/limits  by default or LIMITS_FILE
       defined config.h) describes the resource limits  you  wish
       to  impose.   It  should  be owned by root and readable by
       root account only.

However, the current permissions on this file are NOT in accordance with the
recommendation in the manual pages:

ls -l /etc/limits:
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          725 Jul 17  1998 /etc/limits

I have not modified this file or its permissions, and Linux was not on this
machine on July 1998.  :)

Isn't this a distribution bug?

(FWIW, the same condition exists on my friend's potato machine.)

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