On Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 01:19:59PM +0100, sdf wrote:
> Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
> > I think that at one time (6 weeks ago?) I tried to get this card
> > working for a friend, but I read the docs for the current (at the
> > time) X versions, and that card was not supported.  We swapped it with
> > a Banshee 16MB, which worked fine.
>  Well I'll need to wait till have support for my graphic card.
>  Actually, XFree86 project says they are still developing support for
>  such graphic card and the only available X server it's XF86_VGA16 .
>  As you could imagine I'm using that.  Using 640x480 resolution with 16
>  colors makes me remember the old days of my 386sx at 16MHz. :-)

Just take a look at very new XFree86 3.3.4 - as I remember it has support
for S3 Trio3D. Just take server (SVGA or S3 or S3V?) from address:


and give it a chance.

o------------------o      ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|    _/_|_\
o------------------o   (o\__/o)=)))))))))))))
"Don't fix it if it isn't broken"

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