It seems that I potato nis package is still working fine for me.


On Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 01:03:59PM -0700, Alex Romosan wrote:
> Marcin Kurc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have upgraded to potato with NIS 3.4-1. Everything worked fine with slink 
> > NIS package but now I cannot connect to NIS master. For example, ypcat 
> > passwd output:
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc]# ypcat passwd
> > yp_all: clnt_call: RPC: Timed out
> > No such map passwd.byname. Reason: Internal NIS error
> > 
> > Does anybody know whats wrong?
> > 
> i had the same problem. this is because ypserv dies every time a
> client tries to access the master. i got around this by recompiling
> the package on my system. didn't feel like investigating too much why
> ypserv in the maintainer's package dies. hope this helps.
> --alex--
> -- 
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 Chanop Silpa-Anan 

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