Johann Spies wrote:
> After apt-get upgrade icewm and icewm-gnome I do no longer have 4
> workspaces and I get the following error message when I run startx
> (although X11 and gnome is working otherwise):
> Bad option: ShowXButton
> Bad option: WindowListFontName
> Bad option: AddWorkspace
> Bad option: AddWorkspace
> Bad option: AddWorkspace
> Bad option: AddWorkspace
> Could not load font ''.
> Could not load font ''.
> unknown window option: onTop
> It seems as if something in gtk has changed.  If I remember correctly,
> apt-get also upgraded gtk.
> How do I get 4 workspaces back again?

I had the same problem, and (IIRC) the problem was that some of the
option names changed between versions of icewm.

I'm not on my debian box, so I may be remembering some details
incorrectly.  There are docs in /usr/doc/icewm, I believe.

In ~/.icewm/preferences, instead of the "AddWorkspace" option,
I now use something like:

  WorkSpaceName "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth"

(or whatever you want to call them).

I don't remember getting errors on "ShowXButton" or
"WindowListFontName", apparantly more than just the workspace name
options has changed.



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