
... for a list of known issues when running the newer kernels on Slink

On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, virtanen wrote:

> On Mon, 2 Aug 1999, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> A:
> > One way is to use modules, which I think most people do. 
> Is there any doc available how to compile the kernel using just those
> modules (printer and zip-drive) so that it works effectively? (In the
> installation manual there is a long talk about that matter *why* compiling
> the kernel is done how it is done in Debian, but very little about that
> matter *how to do* it... :-))
> B:
> > However,
> > I don't use them myself; if you have the latest kernel (2.2.x
> > series) you can have both your zip drive and your printer working
> > simultaneously, without modules and without any problems.
> 1)
> Did you install the latest kernel with slink? 
> Any problems with it?
> 2)
> Does the Zip drive  work then that way that the printer is attached to the
> zip-drive?
> 3)
> What about then if I take the zip-drive off sometimes and attach printer
> directly to the parallel port? 
> (In my case the zip drive isn't there
> always. I'm using it in two machines.)  
> -
> hv
> -- 
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