If you have the "relay-domains-include-local-MX = true" in your
/etc/exim.conf file, this is true.  It WILL relay for anyone who lists
your machine as an MX for their domain (real, or not).  I think this was
the original question. 

The other gentleman is right about if this setting is NOT on, and you add
the MX record, the spammer can spam themselves... so to speak.

On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, George Bonser wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Marc Haber wrote:
> > Nope. If a spammer puts the host in his DNS, you are going to relay
> > _TO_ him. So he can happily spam himself.
> > 
> Ok, maybe this has changed but I thought at one point Exim would take mail
> in either direction from a host listing it as an MX.
> -- 
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