* "Stephen" == Stephen Pitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stephen> How so? I've been running unstable since last Dec and I have
Stephen> yet to have any serious problems. glibc2.1 broke java, and I
Stephen> had to rebuild liburi-perl to get netscape to install, but
Stephen> other than that, my system has not been severely hosed.

Did you recently try to upgrade? Perl is a pain currently. Currently,
I do not sync with unstable.

Did you read about the foobar package, that killed /dev a few days ago?
The menu package seems to hang for some people, fakroot and tar have
some problems, currently rendering fakeroot useless.

This is what can happen when using unstable. So before someone even
thinks about using unstable, he should be aware why it is called so,
he has to be able to solve problems himself, and he should probably
follow debian-devel.

I avoid pointing someone to unstable whenever possible.


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