*- On  6 Aug, David Wright wrote about "Re: stop bringing up  X window when 
Linux booting"
> Quoting Brian Servis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> *- On  6 Aug, Guilherme Soares Zahn wrote about "Re: stop bringing up  X 
>> window when Linux booting"
>> >> dpkg --purge xdm
>> >>
>> >> works for my 2.1 system. Then you must kill -9 pid_for_xdm.
>> > 
>> > Hmmm... I was thinking of a workaround that *may* work fine... what if you 
>> > just remove the
>> > ¨xdm¨ script from the /etc/init.d folder (and the links in the /etc/rc.# 
>> > folders, also)?
>> > This should do the trick *without* the need to completely remove xdm form 
>> > you system (you
>> > may want it back someday) AND without bringing up any problem with broken 
>> > dependencies...
>> > 
>> Just remove the links in /etc/rc*.d with the correct Debian
>> tools/method of,
>> update-rc.d xdm remove
>> If you remove the actuall script you might cause problems when you
>> actually remove the package and it tries to look for the missing script.
> This should not work because update-rc.d remove does nothing
> unless you've already removed the script itself.
> I believe the "Right Way" is just to unset the
> executable permission for /etc/init.d/xdm .
> Cheers,

Oops.  You need to use the -f option to force the removal of the links
when the script is still in place.

update-rc.d -f xdm remove

This is one of the correct ways.

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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