Oz Dror wrote:

>On xterm I have to type crtl-h to generate the backspace character
>the backspace character defaults to the delete character
>how can I change this default.


xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace" &

... to the top of your ~/.xsession, or type it from within an
(x|e|rxv)term to quickly test it.

At least that work(s|ed) for me.

HTH, etc.


Kris | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GeekCode v3.1
GIT dpu C++++  UL+++  L++ E---  N+++ h++ !r
PGP++ tv++ o-- K- w O---- M V- PS PE- Y+ t+
5+ X+ R- DI+ e b y-- D---- s:- G A--- P+ W-

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