
I an going to do a re-installation of Windows and Debian and planned on
backing up the /etc directory. My /home and /usr/local are on a second
drive so will remain intact. What else on the / partition might need
to be saved? I don't have any databases or anything out of the ordinary
(that I know of, or remember)

I scanned through dpkg -l | less to see if any installed package may
need special treatment, or that I made extensive changes to, but found

Where else to look?

Thanks, here's my current fs layout.

pc1:/# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2               792195    547457    203814  73% /
/dev/hdb1               595163    232770    331651  41% /usr/local
/dev/hdb2               495746     75221    394922  16% /home
/dev/hdc                470728    470728         0 100% /cdrom

pc1:/# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/hda: 128 heads, 63 sectors, 850 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8064 * 512 bytes

Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1             1        25    100768+   6  FAT16
dev/hda2   *        26       228    818496   83  Linux
/dev/hda3           229       431    818496    6  FAT16
/dev/hda4           432       634    818496   83  Linux

Disk /dev/hdb: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 619 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes

Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1             1       305    614848+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb2           306       559    512064   83  Linux
/dev/hdb3           560       619    120960   82  Linux swap

ACORN techie <http://www.acorn.net>
      AOL/IM Jim Foltz

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