Hello to all.

I have installed the base of Debian 2.1 and it works.

Hmm, I have done this on the same machine several times, 
because I have installed some programs and crashed the full system !!!

Now my question:    How can I back-up the Installation ???
                    I have a SCSI controller AIC 6x60 with a ZIP-Drive.
                    My harddisk is a IBM DTTA 351680 (Ultra-ATA)
                    Previously I will install not more then the 'Base',
                    XFree86, StarOffice, a very good E-Mail client and 
                    the development source for 'The Linux Router Project'

                    I think, If I use the LRP-Floppy as Back-Up helper
                    it is enough. For the Back-Up program I have around 
                    250 KByte.

                    The back-up DATA can be stored on the ZIP-Drive.
                    Possible I will upgrade to the new 250 MB ZIP-Drive.
                    Or I use a LS-120. So I can store the LRP, BAck-Up 
                    program and the Back-Up Data on one Disk, which is 

I am thinking on one or more (smaller and better to handle) TGZ files 
for the Structur.

Please can anyone help me ???

I have a very good experience with ZIPed OS because I develop under 
WfW 3.11 (Winblow9x od NT not required) and I have crashed my workstation 
100 or more times.

Sometimes I have restored my Development Workstation 2 or 3 times a day.

Many thans for your help in advance

Webmistress Michelle

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