"Rudy Broersma" wrote:
  >Is it possible that Linux executes a script file when a user logs on?
  >So for example, if user RUDY logs on, it executes the /home/rudy/script
  >file, and when ROOT logs on, it executes the /root/script file!
  >Could anybody please give me some examples?


Exactly how it works depends a lot on what your setup is.

1) Not using xdm
  a) Shell is sh, bash, ash, ksh or other Bourne-shell derivative:
     Every login (except, perhaps, root?) first runs /etc/profile.
     Next a file in your home directory is run; which one it is depends on
     which shell you are running.  Default for Bourne shell is .profile;
     for bash it is .bash_profile; other shells may have different
     behaviour - read the man page.
  b) Shell is csh, tcsh:
     .login in your home directory is run

2) Using xdm (log-in in a graphical screen)
  If you have a .xsession file in your home directory, it is run; if you
  don't, /etc/X11/Xsession is run.

Any of these scripts can run other scripts, without limit.

Different scripts get run if you start a new shell when you are already
logged in.

sh     -  [nothing]
bash   -  $HOME/.bash_rc
ksh    -  [contents of $ENV variable]
csh    -  $HOME/.cshrc
startx -  $HOME/.xinitrc; /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc if $HOME/.xinitrc
          does not exist
others may be different again - check the man pages

Some Unix systems require these scripts to be executable.

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     "Do not be anxious about anything; but in every thing
      by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
      requests be made known unto God."             
                              Philippians 4:6 

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