*- On  9 Aug, Gary L. Hennigan wrote about "rc?.d policy?"
> Is there any policy on which run level does what? Just looking at
> rc2.d and rc3.d they appear identical. Personally I like level 2 to
> boot non-X and level 3 to be exactly the same, but starts an X login
> manager, e.g., wdm or xdm. Is there any reason I shouldn't update the
> rc2.d and rc3.d accordingly, as well as setting my default level in
> inittab to 3?

No Debian has no policy about runlevels, which is pretty strange if
you ask me, they rejected a bug against policy on this issue.  Nothing
is stopping you from changing your own system around. But be aware that
whenever you update any of the packages that use the rc*.d directories
that they will re-add the links back in, at least until policy is

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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