On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 07:10:31PM +0200, Jonas Steverud wrote:
> Michael Merten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've written a rather elaborate shell script and was wondering...
> > are there any script guru's out there with the time and the
> > inclination to take a look at it, and possibly give me some
> > suggestions/comments/pointers on how to improve it?
> You have to give more information before someone gets interested.
> What is it about? How long is it? Etc.


I had a collection of package files in /var/cache/apt/archives that
I wanted to move into a partial mirror I keep of potato, so I
started working on this script.  Well, it's kinda grown by leaps
and bounds to the point where I'd almost call it an application
rather than a script (I even wrote a manpage for it).  It's much
too large to post to the list; the tarball is > 16Kb, the main 
script itself is > 400 lines (>15Kb).  It's reached the point where
it has more features than I can even test on my system, and I'd
like to get some comments from other people.  The documentation
is as thorough as I can think to make it.

Anybody interested?

[Private mail welcome, but no need to CC: me on list replies.]

Michael Merten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          ---> Debian GNU/Linux Fan -- http://www.debian.org
          ---> CenLA-LUG Founder -- http://www.angelfire.com/la2/cenlalug
Being schizophrenic is better than living alone.

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