On 12-Aug-99 Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
>> On 11-Aug-99 Jim wrote:
>> > Hi.  As the subject suggests, I get strange freeze-ups on my machine.
>> > Yes,
>> > it's definitely frozen... I can't ping it from my lan, and nothing
>> > responds... no keybd, no mouse, no nothing.
>> >
> Which kernel version are y'all running?  I notice you, Wim, are using
> setiathome.  Are you using diald?  I'm seeing lockups right after boot,
> using 2.0.36, when diald has dialed out due to named trying to sysquery
> its "cache" nameservers (I don't know why it wants to do this).

I am using Potato with kernel 2.2.10 and I am not having those problems.
Thought about upgrading your kernel?  Or maybe trying one of the diald
versions from stable?  I seem to recall that the "stable" diald versions had
problems with the 2.2.x kernels, so perhaps the diald versions from
"stable" work best for 2.0.x kernels.  If you are using Slink, then none of
what I just said would apply.


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