On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 05:14:06PM +0100, David Warnock wrote:
> Hi,
> Although generally my email works fine I have 1 small problem.
> It seems that my outgoing mail has an incorrect sender (the header has
> Sender: david). I assume it should be Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This is causing one mailing list (DebianUk) to reject any messages I
> send to it.
> Does anyone know where this header is created and how I change it (I
> cannot see it anywhere in Netscape preferences or in the exim
> configuration)?
> Thanks
> David
I think "qualify_domain = your_preferred_domain_name"
in the exim.conf file will do the job

> -- 
> David Warnock
> Sundayta Ltd
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Dennis Schoen           [EMAIL PROTECTED]               +49+5207+923701

"Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is a user-friendly Operating-System.
 It's just choosey about who its friends are."

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