By any chance, you don't happen to have IDE power down set in bios.. if so
turn it off.. might fix your problem

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Friday, 13 August 1999 11:09
Subject: Re: hard drive error

>Patrick Olson wrote:
>> > > hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
>> > > ide0: reset: success
>> > >
>> > I don't really know what causes this error, but I receive it also.  The
>> > cure I've found was to recompile the kernel with "Use DMA by default
>> > available" /disabled/.
>> >
>> > I've been told that this can be fixed with the hdparms package, but
>> > never worked correctly for me.
>> For what it's worth, I had this error back in the days of Debian 1.3 (I
>> don't remember the kernel version, probably 2.0.something).  It finally
>> got to the point that the computer wouldn't do anything, not even root
>> login or shutdown.
>> I turned the computer completely off for about 5 minutes, checked all the
>> IDE cables for loose connections, and haven't had the problem since.  If
>> your system is on all the time, it MIGHT be worth a try, although I fear
>> that it was probably just something weird that the computer did.
>> --
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>I wish that would solve my problem.... my harddrive is on it's way to
Quantum :(
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