Hi folks:

   I'm trying to load a module for an ne2000 adapter
by insmod and I got the following message:

   /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_open
   /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ethdev_init
   /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_interrupt
   /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol NS8390_init
   /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_close

   I specified all the necessary parameters such as io and irq. 
   I configured properly the files in /etc/modutils, but at boot
time modprobe reports an error about invalid argument sintax io. 
   May anyone give me some suggestions about what I can do? 

   Thanks in advance.

Ivan J. Varzinczak - (mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Bolsista PET/CAPES - Depto. de Informatica - UFPR
Curitiba - Parana - Brasil
Phone: +55 (041) 347-3240 - 267-5244 r.315


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