Michelle Konzack wrote:
> MK>
> MK>Maybe some of the Links in your sites upper-case and the files on your
> MK>server are lower-case? UNIX is case-sensitive, Windows not!
> MK>
> MK>hope this helps
> MK>
> MK>dennis
> MK>>
[I moved your reply to the standard location, Webmistress!]
> Hey stop,
> I am using WinNT 4.0 and some different Servers,
> but ALL Web-Servers are case-sensitive !!!
> Webmistress Michelle
However, the Windows *file systems* are not case-sensitive, which
renders the point moot, AFAIK.

Rick, if case-sensitivity *is* your problem, and you are using Apache,
there is a "spelling" module that is supposed to get around it, at a
cost in efficiency.

I wonder if anyone has thought about patching ext2 to do
case-insensitive lookups?  Maybe control it with a mount parameter? 
After all, this is already done for fat.  (Ducking the brickbats of
horrified purists...  :-))

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