David Teague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If you get anything on the exim.conf file that you actually can hack
> into submission, I'd appreciate your either sending it on to me or
> posting it here. (preferably both:)

> My problem is that my ISP requires the login name on the from: 
> address be that of the account at the ISP. My machine isn't named
> the same as my ISP, and the account here is different too. 

Note that there's a difference between "From:" and "From " (the
envelope-From). Most likely, your isp like mine rejects everything
with an envelope-from that differs from what you've been given as mail 
address by your isp. In smail, cou can add a line with your local
logname as trusted user. Then move your sendmail executable away
(rename it to sendmail_ for example) and make a fmall script in the
place of sendmail, that calls sendmail_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

works nicely for me.

kind regards,
Eberhard Burr    check http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Eberhard.Burr/publickey.asc
                 for PGP Key -- #include <stddisc.h> -- electric cookie follows
"An open mind has but one disadvantage: it collects dirt."
-- a saying at RPI

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