> * "shaul" == shaul  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shaul> Can someone tell me why update-menus does not add a mosaic
> shaul> entry to my menu ?  If this is not an obvious error, where
> shaul> should I look ?
> a) does dpkg -l mosaic show the package as installed?
> b) run update-menus with verbose and debugging for more than enough
> info.
> Ciao,
>       Martin

[03:55:46 shaul]$ dpkg -l Mosaic
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name            Version        Description
ii  Mosaic          2.7b5-8        Graphical WWW browser
[03:56:33 shaul]$ update-menus -v 
update-menus run by user -- cannot determine if dpkg is locking 
/var/lib/dpkg/lock: assuming there is no lock
Update-menus: Dpkg not locking dpkg status area. Good.
Reading installed packages...
Reading translate info in /etc/menu-methods/translate_menus
running menu-methods in /home/shaul/.menu-methods/
running menu-methods in /etc/menu-methods/
Udate-menus: Running method:/etc/menu-methods//fvwm2
[03:57:04 shaul]$ update-menus -d 2>&1 | grep -A1 -B1 mosaic

Reading menuentryfile /home/shaul/.menu/mosaic
Reading menuentryfile /home/shaul/.menu/minicom-modem
[03:57:37 shaul]$ 

Isn't that the expected output ?

BTW: Does the above ( update-menus -d 2>&1 ) proves that update-menu debug 
output is sent to stderr ? Because if it does then isn't stdout a better 
choice ?

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