On Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 08:41:21AM +0300, virtanen wrote:

> 1) Do you get somewhere deb-package for xemacs21? If so, where?

They are in potato (unstable) right now, they've been there for a
month or so now... If you're running slink (stable) then you'll have
to build it from the debianized sources, or hunt down a slink package
for it.

> 2) Where do you get gtzpackages for it, if there aren't deb-packages?

Not sure about this, xemacs.org and/or mirrors maybe?

> 3) Which kind of mule support does it have?
> 4) Did that mule-support work in your case?

Can't answer these sorry, since I don't use mule.

Matthew Gregan                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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