> Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:
    >> Ok, is there anyone actually using netscape 4.61 as provided in potato?
    >> I only get a segfault.
    >> If you are able to use it, what combination of
    >> kernel/libc/what-the-hell do you have ?

I've removed all manually-installed plugins. Problem solved.

4.61 looks quite slow to start-up, though. Slower than 4.5 at least



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://gusp.infogroup.it
       ik5pvx        |         http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/8999
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
     Linux penny 2.2.10 #1 Tue Jun 15 21:03:12 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

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