Next week I'm going to buy a notebook (Acer Travelmate 510 series). If you
could choose, what would you rather buy....

1) configuration with a Celeron 366,
2) configuration with a Pentium II 333.

The price difference is about US$155, for which I could....

- upgrade from 32 to 64 MB RAM
- get modem and network PCMCIA cards.

The rest of the spec is the same for both machines, so I'm just interested
in your opinion regarding the performance of the Celeron and PII. In test
reports it always comes up that performance between the Celeron and PII is
very close and I wonder if this is true. I'm not cheap and I would happily
fork over an extra US$150 if needed, but I rather put my money where it is
most useful and RAM and PCMCIA cards are very useful. I have to note that
I'm not that CPU-power hungry, but still....

Thanks, -- Hans

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