Sounds like the code in question is trying to use a variable to
  initialize another const variable.  This is not supported under ANSI
  C, though I think gcc will allow it if the compiler flags are correct.
  I think the -Wall flag could be what stops it.  Why don't you post the
  beginning of the base64.c code up to the lines in question (26 & 27),
  so a better determination, and possible fix can be suggested.

On Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 11:03:14PM -0500, Michael Merten wrote:
| Hi,
| I'm trying to compile Citadel/UX bbs software and have hit a snag.
| At one point I get the following error message and the compile
| stops (no errors or warnings up to this point):
| [snip]
| gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c base64.c
| base64.c:26: initializer element is not constant
| base64.c:27: initializer element is not constant
| make: *** [base64.o] Error 1
| I haven't a clue what this means.  I know this isn't much info to
| go on, but I can supply anything else that would help, if I know
| what is needed.
| Can somebody atleast give me an idea where to start looking?
| TIA,
| Mike
| [Private mail welcome, but no need to CC: me on list replies.]
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| Michael Merten  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|           ---> Debian GNU/Linux Fan --
|           ---> CenLA-LUG Founder --
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