Hey, could you possibly get better support than on debian-user?!
Who wants "30 days FREE E-mail support" (tadaaa!) when
all the deb-dudes are there to help?
Just my 2c.

Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer

> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra:  Pollywog [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sendt:        14. august 1999 23:44
> Til:  debian-user list
> Cc:   recipient list not shown
> Emne: RE: What's this about E-Mail support
> On 14-Aug-99 Julian S. Taylor wrote:
> > Salutations,
> > 
> > I've been dead in the water for weeks now. I'm busy and I don't have
> > time to hack into the Debian drivers. I bought the official Debian
> > release and registered it by snail mail. I was expecting to get back an
> > E-Mail address for the promised 30 days of E-Mail support - never
> > happened. How does that work? Has anyone on this alias recieved this
> > support?
> Who promised 30 days of e-mail support?  Debian is not a commercial
> distribution.  RedHat and Caldera offer 30 days of e-mail support.
> --
> Andrew
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

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