I've seen odd booting behavior from LILO before when BIOS settings were
set to things that Linux couldn't understand/support.  Other things I've
tried and succeeded in Linux installations on some machines in the past is
completely removing all but the ABSOLUTELY necessary hardware and
reconfiguring the BIOS settings just to see if it'll make it through
booting the kernel.  If so, I start adding stuff until it fails again, and
I've found the culprit. 

I am fresh out of ideas for you old man, but best of luck to you!

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > > thank you for reading this message. The first boot for installation of
> > > > debian 2.1 fails.
> > > > After 'Loading linux ..............' nothing happens, the machine hangs.
> Thank you for your replies.
> My original e-mail included:
> I tried several bootdisks (resc1440.bin resc1440-safe.bin
> resc1440tecra.bin) and even old bootdisks from a previous debian
> version. Also booting from DOS using loadlin doesnt work. Unfortunately
> the machine cannot boot from cdrom.
> Nathan Duehr wrote:
> > 
> > Make sure you try the Tecra disk images, which are zImage kernels instead
> > of bzImage kernels.  There's some notes on the mirrors in the README files
> > and in the HTML doc files of the bootdisks regarding this in the disk-i386
> > directory.
> > 
> I've read it and tried it. But thats a 'no go'
> On 16 Aug 1999, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> > > Generally this means a bad floppy.
> Tried several floppies.
> > >
> > > There are other boot methods also, such as CD-ROM or loadlin from a
> > > DOS partition.  Soon, TFTP for i386 also.
> > >
> But that doesn't solve my problem ......
> Any other suggestions.....?

| Nate Duehr - [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | Support Amateur Radio & Linux! |
| Private Pilot, Telephony Engineer |  Ham Callsign: N0NTZ           |
| UNIX Hack, Perl Hack, Tech-Freak  |  Grid Square: DM79             |
|                                   | "May the Source be with you."  |
| HamRadio and Linux mailing lists available for interested parties: |
|            http://www.natetech.com/mailman/listinfo                |

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