Hey, this really worked!  It's good to know that I won't have to take
apart my computer to get this working.  I've made a copy of the
lilo.conf file that I know works.  Thanks for everybody's replies!

Now I still seem to be having trouble with my hard disk.  When I didn't
touch the fdisk, and simply installed a 1GB partition, I didn't have any
trouble.  However, I would really like to be able to use the whole disk
for Linux.  I tried re-installing, and manually setting the cylinders to
1662 (which is correct), as opposed to 1024 (which is what fdisk
thought).  This allowed me to partition the disk the way I wanted, but
now I can't get it to boot.  Regardless of whether or not I use a boot
disk, it stops, saying "INIT: No inittab file found", and then asks for
a runlevel.  I'm not exactly sure what to enter here, so I tried 0, 1, 2
(in different boots), and each time it just locked up, saying "INIT: no
more processes left in this runlevel".  FWIW, the Win98 fdisk doesn't
seem to have any trouble with this task.  Any suggestions?

Thanks again,

Jaron Abbott

Brad wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, Jaron Abbott wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a system with two IDE hard drives.  The primary master is a
> > recent install of Debian (just the install disks so far) and the primary
> > slave is Windows 98.  I'd like to make it dual-boot.
> i have the same setup; it can be done, with windoze as the primary slave
> no less.
> > Thanks to recent posts regarding this issue by Alvin Oga, I've done my
> > best to write a lilo.conf for this (below).  However, when I boot and
> > type "Win98" at the boot prompt, all it says is "Loading Win98," and
> > then stalls.  When I try commenting out the line "table=/dev/hdb1," it
> > says "Error Loading OS."
> Had this problem, see below for how i solved it.
> > The Linux partition seems to be okay (although I'm still not sure what
> > I'm going to do about the 8GB limit).  FWIW, the Win98 drive does
> > boot, but only if I set the BIOS to boot directly from that disk.
> Wish i had a 8G HD... Good sign that Win boots if BIOS is set to boot from
> pri slave.
> > Thanks for any help, and sorry if I'm missing something obvious.  I've
> > tried my best with the documentation.
> i haven't looked in the docs for a while, but the text that led to mine
> was buried deep. Perhaps it's been clarified lately, i'm not sure.
> The problem is that Win likes being on the primary master, for some odd
> reason (especially if it was installed that way, then the hardware changed
> later). But, it's pretty easy to fool. You just need to tell BIOS to swap
> the drives when booting into windows, by the time Win loads its own
> drivers for HD access it doesn't care anymore where it is.
> My lilo.conf looks something like this. Comments have been added for an
> attempt at clarity ;)
> =========START=========
> boot=/dev/hda
> vga=normal
> map=/boot/map
> # The password is to prevent people from rebooting into win too easily
> # This sets that any boot requires the password XXXXXXXX to continue
> # lilo.conf should be chmod go-rwx so no one can get in here.
> # BIOS passwd is also set, booting from floppy disabled.
> password=XXXXXXXX
> # Next 4 lines set up a simple menu. Prompt tells it to prompt, timeout
> # says to wait for 100 deciseconds, /boot/startup-msg contains the menu
> # text, and default is what to boot after 100 deciseconds with no input
> prompt
> timeout=100
> message=/boot/startup-msg
> default=Linux
> # Linux image, the default.
> image=/vmlinuz
>   root=/dev/hda1
>   label=Linux
>   read-only
>   alias=1
>   # This overrides the password option above. With restricted, the
>   # password is only required if command-line options are used.
>   restricted
> # This boots the previous kernel. In case a kernel upgrade goes bad i
> # can still get in with the previous, known-good kernel.
> image=/vmlinuz.old
>   root=/dev/hda1
>   label=oldLinux
>   read-only
>   alias=3
>   # Remember, this requires a password from above.
> # Windows
> other=/dev/hdb1
>   table=/dev/hdb
> # Next 4 lines do the magic, any BIOS-level disk access will think
> # pri slave is master and master is slave.
>   map-drive = 0x80
>     to = 0x81
>   map-drive = 0x81
>     to = 0x80
>   label=win
>   alias=2
>   # Remember, password required from above.
> ==========END==========
> - --
>   finger for PGP public key.
> Version: 2.6.3ia
> Charset: noconv
> iQCVAwUBN7+VCr7M/9WKZLW5AQH/RgP/T+Weip5wvTgXtpoNx7utw2ud76846eUT
> BleBreiVAqKsej3+QDJ4Do2KXo4x2gEBo87hvvKfHHxYvRPBYeffmEf0YJnAWhnR
> Weol8cLxweU=
> =a2Ms

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