
I am very new at this - however have got the X window working! I
like the tetris! (I am also pleased with my emacs progress,
though I prefer it without X window.)

> Installed from floppies, ran dselect, downloaded 30+ megs of stuff - 
> whatever the defaults were in dselect.  I thought that dselect then 
> installed all of this stuff, but apparently not. 

Does that mean you are connected to the net already?  I did it
from the CDs and at one point scrapped everything and started
again, this time, just before going into dselect chose a package
-- called basic dialup or something -- then I could skip the
select option in dselect, and simply did the others... I *think*
i have it all there now.

Perhaps this gives you a hint ... or it may be the blind leading
the blind!

Walter Logeman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   

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