seth supplied,
> btw -- the reason why I decided to try debian was its users -- many of the
> users evangelize debian, absolutely lauding it.

The support.  Oh, and the support :)

Every year or two something gets me irked, and I go play with
FreeBSD.  Just try to get a question answered there.  I don't think
that one in twenty questions to freebsd-questions ever get answered.
Here, you usually have an answer in hours, even on the exotic stuff
(which fate seems to have decreed is the only type of problem that I'm
ever to have :).

And the people are nice.  And almost everything almost always works,
especially if you stay with stable.

> So I had to try it. So far
> it seems like the perfict fit for me. the users I have seen mention it
> though didn't carry a holier-than-thou attitude with them -- users that like
> their way of doing things, since many did things the other way
> before.

Yes, debian does seem to have somewhat less of that.  And I'm much
calmer since I figured out how to edit the GNU/ out of /etc/issue.

> You
> all seem like a nice bunch of folks. If you keep it up, you will probably
> keep getting more converts. :) (Heck, I liked the idea enough that *I* want
> to be a debian developer -- just no clue what to develop. heh heh. :)

oops, now you've done it.  You've volunteered for *anything*.  There's
still a backlog of orphaned packages waiting for adoption.  Subscribe
to the developers' list, and I'm sure they'll be happy to hand you a
couple . . .

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