I installed xemacs21 some time ago. It is now running parallel to xemacs20
untill it will work.
For almost anything i try to do i get an error:
Symbol's function definition is void:allow-remote-path
Also on most operations, including trying to open files i get a message:

I also got this message on deferent operations (its not consistent) but
always happens on pressing the toolsbars open button (and some others):
Symbol's function definition is void: xpm-button create

on some tool bar buttons also give me a message:
Symbol's function definition is void: lpr-buffer / dired / ispel- buffer

It doesn't have font highlighting. I get an error:
mode-tex is not installed
Or the same error for any other file type.

Also, when i try to read the faq i get a messaget that its not installed.

Thanx for any help

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