On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Brian Servis wrote:

> The main problem with building the sources is that the debian source
> packages do not have any kind of dependencies like the binary packages
> do.  So apt does not know that you need a certain -dev package to
> compile the package of interest.  If a package build fails during a
> compile it will usually fail on a missing header file.  Try using the
> contents search at http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages.html to find
> out what binary package contains that header. Another rule of thumb
> that I use is to look at the package dependices and if for example it
> needs libc6 then it will most likely need libc6-dev installed to be
> able to compile.

Also, contrib and nonfree packages can give trouble, if they need devel
files for a nonfree library to compile. A few weeks ago there was a typo
in the sources for the plugger package ("flose" versus "fclose"). Being
the impatient type, i wanted to recompile it myself until the official
replacement made its way to the mirrors (only 2 days anyway, IIRC). But it
needed some header files from a netscape sdk...

> Yes it will create a directory read the apt-get man page.  It has to
> extract the source archive somewhere.  If the build is successfull you
> will have the .deb and the source tree in the current directory where
> you ran apt-get.  I have created a directory for all my source packages
> and just cd to it before running apt-get source.  If it built it
> succsefully you then have to manually install with dpkg -i.

  $ apt-get --download-only source package
will get the .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz, and .dsc files.

  $ apt-get source package
will extract them into the subdirectory. It won't try to create the deb.
You can easily do it manually.

  $ apt-get --compile source package
will extract them into the subdirectory and attempt to build the deb.

  $ cd /usr/local/debs  # or whatever directory your debs are in
  $ touch override.local
  $ dpkg-scanpackages . override.local > Packages
  $ echo "deb file:/usr/local/debs /" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
will show your local packages properly in dselect. Edit override.local to
suit, and rerun the dpkg-scanpackages line whenever you update the

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