I am new to this stuff but it seems to me that somehow I have to tell pppd 
that it has to use my Ethernet card and not a serial device.
That is, I need the pppd output to go into my Ethernet "network" (which is 
only composed from my machine and the router), and not to a modem or other low 
speed RS232 (or compatible) device.

If I got it correctly, what the VPN-HOWTO does is creating a pseudo, or 
virtual network when it has an underlying real network. In fact, it is using 
an existing network to create a virtual network above it.
My problem, putting it in a simplifying manner, is that I have the wires 
that connect the machine but do not have the real network above it.

Or am I wrong ?

As it seems to me now, I will either have to start learning the PPP source, or 
get myself another router.

BTW: How can root put raw data on the Ethernet device ? If there is no /dev 
for it, then how can someone open this device ?

> On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Peter Palfrader aka Weasel wrote:
> > 
> > Feel free to reply with RTFM since I haven't done so yet. Your mail was 
> > just a good oportunity to get into it.
> since you allow it :-)), VPN-HOWTO (mini) maybe is what you want.
> []s,
> Mario O.de Menezes            "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
>     IPEN-CNEN/SP                 is the Lord's purpose that prevails"
> http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario                 Prov. 19.21
> -- 
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