I've been a zicq user for several months. Works great, if you don't use -O
or -O2 optimisation to compile it. :>

On Sat, 28 Aug 1999, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

> > 
> > This may be an FAQ, and I apologize if it is. Does anyone have any
> > suggestions for a good Linux ICQ client? I want to get rid of my old Win98
> > box, but I keep it around for just that one thing. Please keep me CC'd, as I
> > don't subscribe to this list. Thanks.
> licq is a good replacement. Nice compact app (unlike mirabilis
> JavaICQ). If you are looking for a simple text ICQ, zicq would be a good
> choice.
> Andrew
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Andrei S. Ivanov                  
>  UIN 12402354                      
>  http://scorpio.myip.org    <--All the pages bundled together.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
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