Hi all,
I recently traded an older s Pentium machine, I have loaded and configured it as a Web Server via the profile choice during installation, So far so good. I have one or two errors, like Apache not firing up. and lynx cant find my domain, my next comment may have been fielded here before. (Please forgive my dry sense of humour)!!
So where are all the GUI bits to show me what is happening, this command line stuff is getting a bit tedious, when can I get computing guys, what button's do I push now, I am used to instant GUI fulfilment, you know the kind, GUI help that has an index which allows you to type a subject, and it Auto finds the related help file,
I can't stand non of this ooppps I got that wrong, it will never work until I enter 500 Command line config statements...... or simpler still go back to the start and reload the lot again.
OK OK, before you flame me to bits, I accept that all things new take a stiff learning curve, and I guess I went through a similar stage with the DOS, however, the above comments might get a few of you to respond, with just what do I do next, cause I'm dying to leave this thing running here as a caching, proxy web, server connection, and plug it in the back of a mixed Netware, NT network,!!. Well that's the plan, but as you can see if I cannot master the command line stuff it is unlikely to happen :-)
Ka Kite Anau 
 jds - NZ

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