Oz Dror wrote:

>The problem with httptunnel is that at work I have windows 95 computer
>and I am not alowed to install any software on it. In fact each night
>any installed software is erased.
>Do I have two problem
>1. I do not know of htc for windows 95
>2. I am not sure that I can get away by installing any software on the cmupter
>   at work, unless I can have it on a floppy disk

In that case, just put telnet on port 80 (edit inetd.conf), and use the
Windows telnet client (*spit*).

If you can't run telnet from work (i.e. they use profiles), use Word and
create a macro which says:

shell "c:\windows\telnet.exe"

That will get past the program restrictions.

I can't think of anything else; sorry.


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