My system is fully slink.

Today I had to investigate why the root partition on my computer was
full. I think I found part of the reason: my /var/log directory contains
18.5 Mb of files!!!

-rw-r--r--   1 root     adm       7687296 Aug 30 18:16 wtmp
-rw-r--r--   1 postgres postgres  1877347 Aug 30 04:00 postgres.log
-rw-------   1 root     adm       1536024 Aug 30 18:15 faillog
-rw-r-----   1 root     adm       1194882 Aug 29 07:01 auth.log.0
-rw-------   1 root     adm        781802 Aug 30 06:35
-rw-------   1 root     adm        781802 Aug 29 06:35 setuid.yesterday
-rw-r-----   1 root     adm        482172 Aug 30 18:16 auth.log
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root       322952 Aug 30 18:15 lastlog
-rw-r-----   1 root     adm        236130 Aug 29 06:47

wtmp: I don't understand why it should be so large for 294 entries:
snoopy# last | wc
    294    2788   22522

Thats 26kb per entry!!! Really??? If this really is the case, please
tell me why each record is so large...

faillog: same as above.

postgres.log: I suspect this is large because I had DEBUG level 1 enabled.
now disabled. :-)

auth.log: contains lots of messages like:
Aug 29 07:02:22 snoopy mgetty[25924]: init chat failed, exiting...: Interrupted 
system call
Aug 29 07:02:22 snoopy mgetty[25924]: failed in mg_init_data, dev=ttyS3, 

This raises two questions: (1) why do mgetty and ppp messages go into auth.log?
ppp messages use to go to ppp.log. The change in ppp.log has confused me
on a number of occasions, where my PPP link is down, but ppp.log doesn't
have any new messages. I haven't changed my /etc/syslog.conf in any way
apart from upgrading when it has been changed up the upstream author.
(2) Is it possible to have mgetty die siliently if the modem is not attached?

setuid files are large because I have NFS root images. Any suggestions to
limit the size? (I tend to think a number of files mentioned aren't
really security issues, eg programs that are setgid games).

Any comments for any of the above??

Thanks in advance.

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