Could you set your mailer to keep lines under 80 characters long? (72 is a
good number)

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, John Gay wrote:

> Well, after my request for info about Enlightenment, I decided to go
> with WindowMaker due to my daughters 8bit colour limit. I installed it
> with little problem, except that dselect kept saying that WindowMaker
> suggested asclock and asclock didn't seem to be available.

i can't help you with the CDs, but it should be available somewhere under
/debian/dists/stable on your favorite Debian mirror.

> I ignored this as it was only a suggestion, and WindowMaker installed
> fine. I did notice that WindowMaker also has something about WMsound,
> but I couldn't find that on my CD.

Look in /debian/dists/stable/main/binary-${ARCH}/sound, where ${ARCH} is
your archetecture (for example, i386 for PCs, m68k for some-or-other
version of Apples (i forget which), and so on).

> My system still starts up with fvwm95, but I can switch to WindowMaker
> from the menu, no problem. I had a go at changing this, but didn't get
> very far. I use xdm to give me my login screen on boot-up so I read
> about xdm in the man pages. I currently don't have a .Xsession or
> .xinit file in either mine or my daughters home directory. I had a
> look around in the xdm directories, but couldn't find a file that
> seemed to start fvwm95. I think right now the best place for me to
> change this would be in the system wide file, so WindowMaker starts
> for any login, rather than in the individual ~/ directories.

X can be a bit confusing to set up. If you'll notice, the xdm manpage
mentions that it runs Xsession when the user logs in. The Xsession manpage
tells you that, if there's no .xsession in the home directory, it looks in
/etc/X11/window-managers. The window-managers manpage tells you that the
first functional window manager in that file will be the one it uses. So,
you just edit that file so /usr/bin/X11/wmaker is the first one, and
you're set.

> I do like the look of WindowMaker and have played around with some of
> the system tools. They're not quite as easy as Windows control panel,
> but I really like the way it looks. My daughter has even had a go at
> it!

Have you read the WindowMaker user's guide? It's a good starting point for
learning how to use it. (Install the package wmaker-usersguide-ps)

Also, most of the packages with names beginning "wm" are dockapps for
WindowMaker (there's 11 that aren't, IIRC, and only 3 of those don't seem 
to be related to WindowMaker at all)

> I want to get the system sound configured, but as I said, I couldn't
> fine WMsound on my CD. Do I need to get this from WindowMaker's site,
> or are there .debs available?

Do you have your sound set up already? Can't get WindowMaker to make noise
until you get sound working at all. ;) Figure out which soundcard you
have, and check the archives and the various HOWTOs (although the howtos
are a little dated). You probably will need to recompile the kernel. And
finally, any user that wants to play sound needs write permissions to
/dev/dsp (or possible /dev/audio). The quickest way to do this is to
"adduser username audio" to add the user to group audio (which should own
/dev/dsp, etc.)

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