Igor Mozetic, the Debian List and Brandon Harris:

I came across a post for XDMCP and broadcast posting to the debian lists
+ in November 1998. SPecifically, the message which was written was:


I have a subnet of 6 Linux boxes and tried to achieve what you mentioned
+, that a XDMCP chooser pops up in each monitor querying for ITSELF and 
+BROADCASTING to other machines. By opening up the Xaccess file:


and commenting the Xservers line:

#:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X

makes the local machine act like an X terminal

and running X -indirect some_host.domain.com I can see the other machine
+s via broadcast, but of course cannot see the XDM for my own machine.

In effect, I am trying to get each machine to show a CHOOSER with ITSELF
+ and all the other hosts on the subnet which are collected via BROADCAS
+T, and let me select my choice of machine to login to.

Any ideas? Any suggestions would be appreciated!



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