On Tue, Aug 31, 1999 at 11:04:45PM +0100, Steve George wrote:

[Please include line breaks within paragraphs and leave a blank line
between paragraphs]

> - More 'standards' compliant in the sense that I found that when I read 
> the HOWTOS in many cases the RH stuff wasn't in the places it said it would 
> be (because they specialise stuff for their tools) whereas it was on Debian.  
> I am NOT slagginf RH I understand why they did this, I just wanted to get
> my hands dirty and it was easier with Debian.

All distributions do this to some extent.

> - The update feature and package management frontend.  I believe RH has 
> a tool which allows you to update to the latest version of an RPM buit the
> Debian version is great.  APT allows me to get my system upgraded
> automatically.

Doing a distribution upgrade without *having* to reboot is rather nice.

> - More stuff is done in the RPM format.  For example the GNOME stuff
> tends to lag a bit.  OTOH I was always worried where the RPM's were
> coming from whereas Debian tends to be more under control.

I've never actually found this to be a problem, particularly with the
unstable distribution.  I currently don't have any non-Debian software
on my machines that isn't either commercial or a local hack.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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