Neil Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Thing's are quite a bit simpler if you just use emacs-20's built-in
> > input methods
> Thanks for the reminder, but I had tried that (and forgotten about it)
> because I found it so frustrating.  It doesn't accept "standard" input
> methods - to type in "Nihongo" I habitually type a double n like so:-
> nihonngo
> which is the way kanna and everything else I've used accept it, in
> addition to accepting the single n.  Emacs insists on a single n.

Actually, if you set the variable quail-japanese-use-double-n to t,
emacs will use the `double n' method (I'm using emacs version 20.4;
I don't know whether this variable existed in earlier versions).

> Then trying to undo mistakes gets even more frustrating - it seems to
> remember single keystrokes that have no representation onscreen when
> you backspace, and only appear when you type the next character.  I
> found it a constant battle to use, whereas canna is just very smooth.

I am very well aquainted with this annoying behavior, but thankfully
it's been fixed in emacs-20.4.

> Also, Emacs's dictionary seems very limited - nihongo is not
> recognised as a word, but gets split as Nihon and hiragana go!  I may
> be using it wrongly, of course.

Hmmm... the emacs translation dictionary has its quirks (like every
dictionary), but I've found it to be pretty good.  It *certainly* has

What was the last version of emacs/mule you tried?  If you've only used
an earlier version, I'd recommend that you give 20.4 a test-spin.


Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

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