Duggan Dieterly said:
> just to let everyone know, cfdisk does not work with window FAT32 
> file partition tables.  use fdisk instead.

What happens?  I've been able to create partitions extending beyond cylinder
1023 with (the current as of one week ago Potato) cfdisk, although the 
version on the install disks won't handle large disks.

A related question:  Once I've got those partitions created out there on the
high-numbered cylinders, how can I use them?  mkswap complained that they
are too small to be usable as a swap partition and mke2fs died with an error
stating that a bad value was passed to libe2fs.  (Error messages are from
memory.  I did this a week ago and have since deleted those partitions until
I can find out how to get them to work.)

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