You were right.  I get another menu:

When I looked around the corner at the PC front, I saw the floppy light come
on when I pressed F during either the 1FA: or 1234F: prompt.  I put a floppy
in and pressed F and it is now booting.

I am assuming this means there is no boot record on the HD since 1,2,3 and 4
don't work ...

I guess I'll try LILO tonight.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Wim
> Kerkhoff
> Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 12:26 PM
> To: Paul McHale
> Cc: debian-user
> Subject: RE: boot from hd (was RE: Why use Debian? Why not Red Hat?)
> Try pressing 'a', for 'A'dvanced.  That should give you some more
> options, if
> my memory serves correct.  You probably have more partitions that
> 1, but they
> aren't showing up.
> On 03-Sep-99 Paul McHale wrote:
> > I was mistaken, it is 1FA.  I am not sure how to enter 1.  The
> exact prompt
> > is
> >
> > 1FA:
> >
> > When I press a key I get nothing.  When I press enter, I get
> another prompt:
> >
> > 1FA:1FA:
> >
> > Is there a special way to enter it ?
> >
> >> On Fri, 03 Sep 1999, Paul McHale wrote:
> >> > Thanks for the help !  I'll give this a try.  When I boot I get
> >> 1F0 in the
> >> > upper left part of the screen.  I think this is also the
> address of the
> >> > CDROM drive.  Probably coincidence.
> >>
> >> Actually the 1F0 is a prompt provided by the mbr package that
> >> replaces the master boot record of your harddrive. If I remember
> >> correctly 1 boots the first partition, F boots floppy A, and 0 allows
> >> selection of booting from any partition 1-4 regardless of their
> >> active setting.
> ---
> Regards,
> Wim Kerkhoff
> A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention,
> with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequilla.
>         -- Mitch Ratcliffe
> --
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