Bob Nielsen wrote:
> I'm not familiar with 'netscape time' but you can set the timezone with
> tzconfig.

Thanks. I tried that. The funny thing is that my local/system time
is correst. Netscape for some reason insists on using the UTC time.
I'm assuming that's what it is, because it's off by 7 hours.

I just wiped every thing netscape from my system, and went ahead an
reinstalled the slink 4.5 packages, and now the time is displayed
correctly! Go figure.

Thanks for the reply
                 (                       __   _
Mark Wagnon       )     Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
Chula Vista, CA  (                  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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